Seasonal Prouce ~ August

Cauliflower - Purple

Due to the very nature that is summer this months produce list is a) late, sorry about that. & b) quite long. August is probably my favorite month of the year due to the amount of top class produce around. Besides the list, obviously, maybe follow Oakleaf European Produce & Wild Harvest as they both regularly tweet pictures of produce at market.

So without further a do, here is August’s produce list.


Artichoke (Baby, Globe, French globe), Aubergines (Pale, English),Avocado, Baby Violet,

Beans (broad, cannelloni, coco, yellow wax, runner french beans, borlotti, bobby, british flat, bobby beans, english runner, yellow butter , organic broad).

Beetroot (Leaves, English Organic Baby, Borage Flower, Breakfast Radish, Broccoli, Cabbage (pointy, prima, hisip, primo, english savoy, Carrots (english bunched, baby), Cauliflower (Summer , Purple, Golden, Romanesco (green cauli)), Chard (Swiss, Ruby), Choi sum (English), Corn on the cob, Courgette (flower French, garden, english, english flower, Round Green/Yellow), Cucumbers, Curly endive, Fennel, Kohl Rabi.

Lovage, Marrow, Nuts (Almonds, hazelnuts), Onions (large silver skin, lisbon, red, button silver skin), Pak choi (white), Peas (English), Peppers (green, red, pointy, yellow, pardon (Spain), Yellow (Spain), peppers –baby), Potatoes (Early, main crop, maris peer, anya new juliet, cornish new purple, belle de fontay, binjte, estima, mids french, mona lisa, ratte, cornish new).

Salad (Boston king, buttercrunch,, dandelion, (pissenlit), little gems, mash, mesclun, mizuna, mustard greens, oakleaf, rienne des glace, rocket, scarole, watercress english, webs wonder, red chicory, sorrel, spinach, baby spinach, watercress – french, purslane, english cos, english lettuce gem), Samphire, Shallots, Summer Savoury.

Tomatoes (English Salad, Heirloom, Italian Baby San Marzano, Italian Vine Tomatoes, Jersey Vine Tomatoes, Beef, Cherry Red, Cherry Vine, Cherry Yellow, Plum, Plum Vine, Vine, Tomatillo (Mexican ground cherry), Coeur de Boeuf veritable (Fr), Verona(Fr), Rose de Berne (Fr) ), Turnips (Baby, baby long)


Apples (Braeburn (nz), Granny smith, British discovery), Apricots (French), Blackberries, Blackcurrants, Blueberries (Scottish, Dorset), Cherries (English & White), Cobnuts (English), Damsons, Elderberries, Figs, Frais du Bois, Gooseberries, Grapes (Black muscat, italian white), Green Almonds, Hazelnuts, Loganberries, Mangoes, Maras du Bois, Melon (Charentais, galia, Spanish Cantaloupe, Italian Water, French Charentais).

Nectarines (White), Papaya, Peach (Flat, French White, French Yellow, Peche de vignes (blood peach), mountain), Pears (Forelle, Nashi), Plums (Black, red, yellow, british opal, greengages, Mirabelle), Raspberries (Scottish),

Redcurrants, Rhubarb (English Outdoor), Strawberries (Wild, Scottish, Mara du bois)

Game & Meat

Beef, Deer (Roe Bucks, Red stag, Fallow bucks, Stag (Aug – Oct)), Duck, Grouse (12th Aug – 10th Dec), Hares (Finishes), Pigeon Wood (English), Pork, Quail, Snipe (12th onwards), Rabbit.


Anchovy, Bream, Brill, Cod, Coley, Dab, Eel, Gurnard (Yellow), Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Herring, Hokey, Mackerel, Megrim, Perch, Pollock, Red Mullet, Salmon (wild), Sea bass (wild), Sea trout,

Dover, Squid,Thornback Ray, Trout (Brown, Rainbow), Whiting, Zander.


Cobnuts, Sea pursalane, Frais du bois, Wild Cherries, Marsh Samphire, Rock Samphire, Wild Sea beet, Orache, Lava Bread, Wild rocket, Lambs sorrel, Wood sorrel, Wild margoram, Wild fennel, Wild mint, Chickweed, Elderflower, Meadow Sweet, Wild Celery, Chanterelle, Horse mushroom, Slippery Jacks, Pied de mouton, Giant Puff balls, Cep, August Boletus.

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