Seasonal Produce ~ November


So despite the hectic work & blogging loads this month I’ve still been able to bring you the seasonal produce list, including the printable version. There has been many Facebook & Twitter updates from various chefs showcasing their skills with the produce around at the moment. So if you follow the blog on either of those social networks you’re bound to see some of them as I try to repeat them for the readership.

So to it then, here is November’s seasonal produce list:


Artichokes (Jerusalem, Crosnes, French Globe Bunch Baby Artichokes), Aubergines (Italian Violet, Spanish), Baby veg (Carrots Yellow/White/Purple, Fennel, Pumpkins, Leek), Beans (Borlotti), Beetroot (English Candy, English Golden), Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage (Castelfranco, English Cavalo Nero, Hisp Savoy, Red, White), Calebrese, Cime de rapa (Italian bitter leaf brasica)), Celeriac, Celery, Chervil Root, Chestnuts, Chicoria, Chicory, Curly Kale, Fennel (Italian), Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lemon Balm.

Nuts (chestnuts, walnuts, pistachio), Onion (Cipollini, Roscoff, white, Ornamental gourds), Parsley Root, Parsnips, Potatoes (Early,  main crop, purple, New Season Black Truffle, New Season Rattes, Pink fir, Yukon Gold, sweet orange flesh), Pumpkin (Iron Bark, Pottimarron), Salad (French Watercress, Tardivo (Wild Trevise), Trevise, claytonia, frissee winter), Salsify, Scorzonera, Squash (French Butternuts, Spaghetti, Butternut, Acorn), Swede, Swiss Chard.

Tomatoes (Coeur de Boeuf varitable (Fr), Verona (Fr), Rose de Berne (Fr)), Turnip (Cimi di Rappe (Turnip Tops)).


Apples (English Cox, Bramley, English Russet, Custard, English Braeburns, English Jonagold, English Spartan), Bananas baby, Clementine’s (Spanish / Italian), Socculente.

Cranberries, Dates (Californian Medjool), Grapefruits (pink), Grapes (white, Muscat), Lemon (Spanish), Mangoes, Orange (Juicing Spain, Spanish).

Pear (English Conference, parsanne wax tip (fr), Pears William (fr), French Baby, Paris Select, The Dog (French)), Persimmons / Sharon Fruit (Spanish), Pineapples (Victoria), Plums (Angeleno), Pomegranates (Spanish), Puntarelle, Quince (French), Satsumas, Tangerine, Walnuts (Wet), Yuzu – Yellow & Green.

Game & Meat

Deer (Fallow Does, Fallow Bucks, Roe Does, Red Stag), Goose (wild, farmed), Grouse,

Hares, Mallard, Partridge (English Grey Leg), Pheasant, Pigeon (Wood English), Rabbit, Snipe, Woodcock,

Fish & Shellfish

Anchovy, Bream (Black), Brill, Cod, Coley, Dab, Gurnard (Grey, Yellow, Red), Haddock, Hake, Halibut (Greenland), Herring, John Dory, Mackerel, Pollock, Red Mullet, Sardines/Pilchard, Sea bass, Sole (Dover, Lemon, Megrim), Sprats, Squid, Thornback Ray (rocker), Turbot, Whiting.

Crab (Brown ,Spider, King), Crayfish (freshwater), Langoustine, Lobster (native), Mussels, Oysters (Loch Fyne, rock  native), Scallops (King), Sea Urchin.


Nettles, Bay, Borage, Calendula (pot marigold), Elderberries, Sea aster, Sea beet, Sea buckthorn, Sea purslane ,

Wild Mushrooms

Bay boletus, Beefsteak fungus, Blewitt wood, Cep, Winter chanterelle, Oyster, Pied bleu, Pied de mouton, Trompette de mort, White alba Truffle, Chanterelle, Girolles.

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