Simply Elderflower


As we skip past the mid summer solstice, the hedgerows in Devon seem to be teeming with wild produce, chief amongst which are the fragrant and versatile elderflowers. As foraging is currently ‘en vogue’ there are several key points to remember, but chiefly they all hinge around respect. You’ll need to get the landowner’s permission, respect their property and the delicate eco-system you’re about forage in. Although this won’t apply to elderflowers, it’s illegal to uproot wild plants so please don’t do it.

Although the main perceived use for elderflowers would be to make cordial, here are some lesser known uses. Fanta markets an elderflower drink called ‘Shokata’ to about 15 countries worldwide. The spirit Sambuca is flavoured with oil from the elderflower. Elderflowers can be used to treat hayfever and other upper respiratory tract problems.

So to the recipes:

Elderflower cordial

  • 10 Elderflower heads
  • 900g Caster sugar
  • 110g Glucose
  • 780ml Water
  • Zest & juice of 2 oranges
  • Zest of 2 lemons, Slice the remaining
  • 40g Citric acid
  • 1 Vanilla pod

Wash & drain the elderflowers.

Combine the glucose, sugar, water, vanilla pod & zest of the fruits together. Bring to the boil & simmer for four minutes.

Remove from the heat & add the citric acid & the sliced fruit and pour over the elderflowers.

Cling film and steep for 18hours at room temperature.

Strain & bottle. Use within one month or alternatively freeze for an all year round supply.

Eton mess with elderflower meringue

  • 4whites
  • 115g caster sugar
  • 115g icing sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1dessert spoon of elderflower cordial.

Whisk the egg whites & the salt on a medium to high speed with an electric whisk, until they just start to peak. Now reduce the speed to medium & gently add the caster sugar in a slow constant stream.

When fully incorporated continue to whisk for about 2-3 minutes, then reduce the speed to a low pace and gradually add the icing sugar. When fully incorporated increase the speed of the mixer back to medium and slowly drizzle in the cordial.

Now pipe to required shape on greaseproof paper. A typical meringue nest will take about 1- 1½ hours at 100°C.

To assemble the Eton mess, alternate layers of whipped sweetened cream, sliced strawberries & meringue. Be as refined or rustic as you like.

Gooseberry & Elderflower Jelly

Unfortunately you might have to bear with me on this recipe due to the vagueness of the quantities, but it is a good second use for your pickling jar (if you have one like me).

Fill the heat proof jar with slightly under ripe gooseberries and add about 100ml of water before sealing. Place the jar in a deep pan of water so it comes up the sides. Bring the water up to a simmer.

When the gooseberries are cooked, this should take about two hours, remove from the water bath and strain through a muslin. Measure the liquid and for every 600ml of juice add 500g of sugar.

Make a muslin bag & add the washed elderflower heads, allow one head per 100ml of juice. Bring the juice to the boil & skim for 8-10 minutes, test in the traditional jam making way. Remove the muslin bag after approximately 4 minutes. Pour into a jam jar to be stored in the fridge.

Next is a tempura of Elderflowers, not by any stretch of the imagination an original recipe, but one people probably hadn’t thought of.

Tempura of Elderflowers


  • 1 Egg
  • 250ml Light beer
  • 150g Self raising flour
  • Pinch of salt

Whisk the egg & the beer together until the mix starts to froth.

Add the salt & the self raising flour and continue to whisk until incorporated. Don’t worry too much if there are some small lumps, this will be fine.

Wash & trim the elderflowers, dredge in flour , batter & deep fry at 180°C until golden brown.

Recommended accompaniment, Vanilla & Melon Jam.


2 Responses to “Simply Elderflower”
  1. Katie Lounge 10 says:

    I love elderflower flavoured ANYTHIGN and picking them is entertainment in itself…I will definitely be trying that cordial, however my favourite elderflower concoction is my mum’s elderflower wine. I wonder if she’ll give me the recpe this year…


    • chefhermes says:

      Thank you very much. If you do get the recipe from your mum & let me know how it goes next season.

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