Seasonal Produce ~ April

Pied du Bleu

Looking like spring is finally here, & the seasonal produce list is filling out nicely. With the added interest in foraging & wild foods, the decision has been taken now to add a wild food section (but unfortunately this won’t be appearing on the printable PDF) to the seasonal produce list. Wild garlic continues to flourish under the current weather conditions and some of the other wild produce is coming to the fore.

So with out further a do, here is April’s seasonal produce list


Artichokes (Jerusalem, Spanish Baby, Spanish Globe), Asparagus (English (Greenhouse), French White, Spanish Green), Aubergines (Italian Pale, Spanish), Avocados (Fuerte, Hass, South Africa), Beans (Bobby, Broad), British Spring Greens, Broccoli (English Purple, Purple Sprouting), Cabbage (Hispi, Spring), Castelfranco, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Chicory (White), Cimi di Rappe (Turnip Tops), Courgette flower (French), Courgettes (Round Green, Round Yellow),

Fennel (Italian),Garlic (New Season), Loveage, Monks Beard, Onions (Grillot, Spring, Roscoff), Peas (Italian, Spanish), Potatoes (Jersey mids, Maris piper, Jersey Royals, Belle De Fontenay, Black Truffle, Pink fir, Rattes), Pumpkin (Iron Bark), Salad (Frissee curly, Mesclun, Rocket, Watercress English, Sorrel, Baby Parsley Shoots, Baby Watercress, Escarole, French Watercress), Samphire, Sea Beet, Squash (American Butternuts), Summer Savoury, Swiss Chard (French), Turnip (New Season), Tomatoes (Coeur de Boeuf veritable, Verona, Rose de Berne)


Apples (Granny smith, English Bramley), Baby Kiwi fruit, Frais du Bois (Spanish), Loquats, Mandarins (Moroccan), Mango (Alphonso, Palmers), Medlars, Melons (French Charentais), Oranges (Moroccan, Sicilian Blood Oranges), Pomegranates (Indian & American), Raspberries (Spanish), Rhubarb (Champagne, forced, Outdoor), Sharon Fruit, Strawberries (French Gariguette, gaiguelles)

Game & Meat

Deer (Red Stag, Fallow Bucks, Roe Bucks), Duckling, Goose (Farmed, Wild), Grouse, Guinea Fowl, Hare, Mallard (Finishes end of month), Pyrenean Lamb, Rabbit, Spring Lamb, Wild Rabbit, Wood Pigeon (English)


Coley, Gurnard (Red, Yellow), Hake (Cape), Halibut (Pacific), Herring, John Dory, Red Mullet, Salmon (Scottish Organic,  Wild), Sea Trout (Welsh, Brown).


Pied Bleu, Morels (2nd week), Mousserons (3rd week), Sparassis (Cauliflower Mushroom), St Georges mushroom (3rd week)


Wild ransom or Wild Garlic (leaf and flower), Leeks (Wild), Samphire, Larch needles, Pennywort, Sheep sorrel, Primrose flowers, Dandelion leaves.