The final post?!?

So over the festive period a little tête à tête broke out. I’d post something which was inaccurate, despite my best efforts to get the situation clarified. Then all off a sudden a tweet has gone viral with my many detractors jumping on the bandwagon. Like David Campbell from the Royal Crescent in Bath, maybe he should consider the DM’s he sent me?!? Or some wannabe wanting a £50k a year job.

With the amount of emails & DM’s I have, I could easily torch an industry. But who would benefit? Nobody is the answer.

I wrote a five page post answering all my critics, even those that still think I actually cook for a living. But in the end, I thought what is the point? I’ve dealt with people like this for two thirds of my entire life, and now I really can’t be arsed with them & their egos any more.

There is a chef crisis, there aren’t enough to go around, and whose fault is that? Nobody but the chefs who promote the macho bullshit idea of; ‘go hard or go home’, 16hours a day for what? We have employment laws in this country, which chefs, managers, owners and the industry as a whole would do well to familiarise themselves with.

I leave you with this thought, I once met Chris Horridge & we discussed He said this:


Maybe the likes of Gareth Ward will take this as some kind of small victory, but the actual truth is the site has almost become a millstone. After nearly six years I’d like to thank everybody who has made it possible for it to work, the enormous amount of support, and who knows I may return.

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